Grassroots Environmental Services

Grassroots Environmental Services, Ltd. has expertise in fish & fish habitat assessments, aquatic impact assessment & monitoring, water quality monitoring, freshwater biotic sampling, construction monitoring, sediment & erosion control, environmental management, and radio telemetry; in addition to GIS mapping services. We possess in-depth knowledge of aquatic field assessment methods, equipment, and provincial & federal environmental regulations.

Our background in multi-disciplinary consulting provides much-needed perspective in project lifelines, teams and key milestones. Our team also provides effective project management and cost control, delivering a high quality product on schedule. We use best management practices in all our projects, and maintain an inventory of specialized sampling and surveying equipment for assessing fish populations and fish habitat, water quality, sediment and substrates, and benthos. We value personal safety, integrity of the environment, and professional accountability above all other aspects of a job.

Grassroots is well equipped to participate on any environmental science team.

Contact: Scott Wilson

Email: Click here to email

Website: Visit Website

Phone: (250)-272-5926

1214 11 St S, Golden, BC

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