Gearing Up for Open

Gearing up for Re-Opening
Posted on 06/07/2021

Gearing up for Re-Opening

Alright folks - we have been on a roller coaster of a year, some days it’s been hard to even get the doors open at your business let alone plan for the future. Combine that with changing government regulations at a moment's notice and our time horizons have shrunk to encompass the present and nothing more. Advertising has seemed like a luxury we cannot afford or a potential faux-pas of bringing visitors into town.

Here are some great questions to help shift back into welcoming locals and visitors alike into your business. 

  1. What are you trying to accomplish with your advertising?

    1. Are you hoping to increase foot traffic in your store?

    2. Are you trying to get the word out about a short-term promotion

    3. Are you trying to gain brand recognition from newcomers in Golden? Or perhaps attract those traveling through?

    4. Other…

  2. How much do you hope to make? 

    1. Revenue?

    2. Profit?

    3. How will the promotion or the advertising affect your margins?

  3. What is the average dollar gain of one person walking through the door? Or stopping by your website? 

  4. How frequently do your customers return to your business? Every week? Every month? Only once a year? 

    1. How can you bring them back more frequently?

  1. If someone was listening or reading your advertisement - what would you want them to know?

Some great options for reaching current and new customers in Golden

  • Bounce Radio - Rates as low as $3.00 per advertisement. Call Shaun Aquiline (250) 814-7458  | [email protected]. This is perfect for:

    • Short term promotions - blast the airwaves for one week before the big sale to bring the attendance up

    • Long term brand recognition - keep your business relevant for customers who only need your services every so often. Maybe consider a referral for past happy customers.

    • Drive through visitors who can be convinced to stop in

  • The Golden Star - delivered directly to households in Golden. The paper is perfect for:

    • Public Service Announcements

    • Promotions and events

    • Thank you's and congratulations

  • The Chamber Sign

    • Driving through town

    • Locals coming by every day

The Social Media Dilemma

People are definitely using Social Media more and more and so are companies big and small. 

This is a great space to be - but remember - like all advertising there needs to be purpose and intention to get results. 

Don’t forget to factor in your time when looking into social media as an option. It can quickly become a vacuum for your valuable time. 

Would you be willing to pay a staff member or contractor to do this for you? The amount you would pay a third-party will provide a better reflection of what advertising effectively on Social Media will cost you.

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